Why Daycation for Seniors™


What is Daycation for Seniors™

Our senior social daycare center is designed to provide care for seniors who need assistance and supervision during the day. The day program also gives respite to family members and caregivers. This allows them the freedom to go to work, take care of personal business, or just relax while their loved one is well cared for and safe.
Our program aims are to delay or prevent moving seniors to a higher level of care and to engage them in socialization and enhance their self esteem. Daycation social daycare provides social activities, meals and recreation. The staff may monitor medications on request. serve nutritious lunch and snacks. Our participants take part in the program on a scheduled basis, and the services that are offered may include the following:
Especially in early stages of mental decline, people are still aware that they are having memory problems, feelings of incompetence, depression, and anxiety are common. Offering someone an activity can be an encouragement by which they can experience success and enjoyment, and bolster their self esteem.
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The Benefits of Daycation Social Center

Meaningful activities – those that engage the person’s attention and connect with their interests – are critical in the provision of care for those with dementia. Consider the following eight reasons why it is important to offer a variety of meaningful activities for people living with dementia. If you have any further questions about Daycation for Seniors™, please call us today.

Providing activities that engage the brain is good for all of us, and all the more so for people who are living with dementia. In fact some research has suggested that a structured activity program can slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s or even improve cognitive functioning immediately and up to three months following the activity program.
Activity programs involving physical movement, which can benefit the body and the brain. Remaining physically active can prevent other health problems and maintain daily functioning and mobility. Research on physical exercise for those diagnosed with dementia has demonstrated significantly improved cognitive functioning.
Group activities facilitate socialization, and they are an important aspect of mental health. If people don’t have the opportunity to interact socially with each other, they can feel lonely, isolated, and depressed.
Activies can provide a routine for the day, which can in turn improve sleeping at night. If a loved one sits in a chair all day and does not participate in any type of activity, it is likely she will fall asleep several times during the day. This dozing off can interrupt good sleep patterns since the person received some of their sleep during daytime naps. Providing activities (especially ones that engage and have meaning for the individual) helps eliminate napping during the day and encourage a better night of sleep instead.
A study published in the American journal of Geriatric Society demonstrated a significant decrease in challenging behaviors (such as sun downing, repetitive questioning, agitation, and argumentative interactions) when activities that were of interest and at the right skill level were offered to people with dementia. Many other studies have shown similar benefits of meaningful activities.
Self-esteem (how people feel about themselves) often takes a beating when someone has Alzheimer’s or other dementias. Especially in the early stages, when people are aware that they are having memory problems, feelings of incompetence, depression and anxiety are common. Offering someone an activity to do can be an encouragement by which they can experience success and enjoyment.
Engaging people with dementia in activities can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Multiple studies have demonstrated and improvement in depression and anxiety through the provision of structured activity programs, and some have even shown that improvement to continue for up to six months after the study was concluded.
If the benefits listed above are not enough to convince you that meaningful activities are important, consider the benefit the caregiver experiences. If your loved one is actively engaged, you will spend less time responding to problematic behaviors and more time enjoying positive interactions with your family member.

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